15 Weird Things Maine Coons Do: Exploring the Unique Behaviors of This Popular Cat Breed

Maine Coons, often known as the “gentle giants” of the cat world, are beloved for their large size, friendly nature, and distinctive behaviors. In this article, we’ll findout 15 amazing habits that set Maine Coons apart from other cats. From their preference for crossing their paws to their surprising liking for water, Maine Coons never fail to intrigue and delight their owners.

Maine Coons Cross Their Paws:

Maine Coons have a strange habit of crossing their front paws, a behavior observed more frequently in this breed than others.

Possible reasons behind this behavior include comfort and relaxation.

Contrasting with uncrossed paws, which facilitate quicker responses in fight-or-flight situations.

Maine Coons Talk A Lot:

Unlike typical cat meows, Maine Coons often produce chirping or trilling sounds, resembling bird calls.

These vocalizations serve as a form of communication with their owners, responding to names or expressing needs.

Maine Coons’ Eye Color Changes:

Unique to Maine Coon kittens is their mesmerizing sapphire blue eyes, which gradually transition to their adult coloration between three and eight weeks old.

By three months, their eyes reach their full coloration, showcasing the breed’s stunning eye hues.

You Can Train a Maine Coon:

Despite the stereotype of cats as independent, Maine Coons exhibit dog-like intelligence and trainability.

Early introduction to training facilitates obedience and the learning of tricks and tasks.

Some Maine Coons Are Lap Cats:

Despite the aloof image of cats, a lot of Maine Coons love cuddling and being held by their owners.

The breed is generally more gregarious and friendly than others, however not all are lap cats.

Maine Coons Wag Their Tails:

Tail wagging in cats is commonly associated with aggression, but Maine Coons exhibit this behavior for various emotions, including excitement and social interaction.

Maine Coons are Good Travelers:

Maine Coons are adaptive and can be educated to like traveling, which makes them great companions for outdoor experiences. This is in contrast to many cats, who are resistant to changes in their surroundings.

Maine Coons Get On Well With Others:

Maine Coons are known for their friendly and sociable nature, readily making friends with humans, other pets, and even strangers.

Maine Coons Play Fetch:

A surprising trait reminiscent of dogs, some Maine Coons learn to play fetch, showcasing their playful and intelligent disposition.

Maine Coons are Fascinated with Water:

Maine Coons are frequently drawn to water, in contrast to most cats who dislike it; this is perhaps because they are native to the cold, snowy state of Maine.

Maine Coons Follow Their Owners Around:

Maine Coons dispel the myth that cats are distant and independent by constantly following their owners around the house to show their love and devotion.

Maine Coons are Very Loyal:

Known as the “gentle giants,” Maine Coons are devoted and loyal to their owners, forming close ties with them.

Maine Coons Grow into Massive Sized Cats:

Maine Coons are remarkably huge cats that can weigh up to 25 pounds, even though they begin life as relatively ordinary kittens.

Maine Coons Act Like Dogs:

Maine Coons play fetch and love outdoor activities, two habits more often associated with dogs, and they carry these active and energetic traits into maturity.

Maine Coons Rarely Bite or Scratch Owners:

Maine Coons are excellent companions for families with kids and other pets because of their kind nature and patience, even with their large stature.


One of the most fascinating cat breeds is without a doubt the Maine Coon, which is distinguished by its adorable personalities and unusual mannerisms. Maine Coons continue to enchant cat lovers worldwide with their charming eccentricities and compassionate demeanor, from their talkative nature to their unexpected love of water.


What makes Maine Coons different from other cat breeds?

Maine Coons stand out for their large size, friendly demeanor, and unique behaviors, such as crossing their paws and chirping instead of meowing.

Are Maine Coons suitable for families with children?

Yes, Maine Coons are known for their gentle and patient nature, making them excellent companions for families with children. They typically tolerate noise and activity well.

Do Maine Coons require special grooming due to their long fur?

While Maine Coons have long, thick fur, they don’t necessarily require more grooming than other cat breeds. Regular brushing can help prevent matting and reduce shedding.

Are Maine Coons prone to any health issues?

Maine Coons are generally healthy cats, but they may be predisposed to certain conditions like hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Regular veterinary check-ups can help monitor their health.

Do Maine Coons need a lot of space to roam?

Maine Coons enjoy exploring and playing, but they can adapt well to indoor living as long as they have sufficient space for exercise and enrichment. Access to toys and climbing structures can help keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

Bonus Tip:

Provide plenty of interactive toys and puzzle feeders to keep your Maine Coon mentally stimulated and entertained. These intelligent cats thrive on mental challenges and will enjoy the opportunity to problem-solve while playing.

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